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Bump. Anyone up to building the road?

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Small update:

changed the name to Operation Talon Vise, the original name for Frequent Wind, which was dropped. I don't want to create confusion with Over Flanders Fields when writting OFF (however different they are).


Now my sig will be the update center :biggrin: .

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Guest Saganuay82

Good idea on the sig block.

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I'm sorry to all the people that were counting on me to finish this project, but I have decided to indefinetly put this project on pause.


Through this project, I have learned that in modding this series, there is simply a lot more that I need to learn, and as one individual pursuing a project of this scale, I am not up to the challenge. Also, recently, I haven't been able to work on modding as much because of time constraints. I never really got far; I just researched into what would've happened if an event like this happened, made a seperate install and just placed a few targets.


Many thanks to Badfrank who gave me some links to help with my research, but I couldn't find that much substantial information about South Vietnamese air forces either.


My plan now is to work on simpler projects that will help me hone my skills and be more inline with my schedule.

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