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I feel more detailed Wingman Commands are needed !

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Hi Guys,


The other night I tried my hand at bombing targets with German Bombers. I replaced some of the bombers with Fokker's in the Loadout Screen to see if they would act as escort. But all they did was follow the commands I would give to the bombers, where I would have wanted them to act as escort and tell only the Bombers to attack and then to get back into formation and would want to tell the Fokker's to attack the air targets to cover our escape from the we wouldn't get chewed to pieces by ground fire, but most of all, by the fighters.


I hope these kinds of commands will be possible in the future. It will just make the game more enjoyable and make for a more in-depth gameplay.


Best Regards,


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I believe that what was attempted was to make it "feel"like all you had was hand signals.When first released it had all the commands as the other modern sims,but it was cut back as they had no radios to communicate with.

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There are Wingman Cammands?!?!?


I bought this game on the Internet and of course received no instruction manual. I also looked at the controls menu (in-game) and saw no Wingman Commands list.


what, and where are they? ....thanks.


cheers, Recon3

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Press 'Tab'.. and then a number you want

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I believe that what was attempted was to make it "feel"like all you had was hand signals.When first released it had all the commands as the other modern sims,but it was cut back as they had no radios to communicate with.



That makes sense. No Radios, lolol, but you would think the Fokkers would cover us instead of attacking the ground targets............



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There are Wingman Cammands?!?!?


I bought this game on the Internet and of course received no instruction manual. I also looked at the controls menu (in-game) and saw no Wingman Commands list.


what, and where are they? ....thanks.


cheers, Recon3


There's an instruction manual somewhere in the directory structure, you just have to find it. I remember finding it a printing it out. Wasn't much to it though. How much can you do with a biplane and dropping hand grenades........

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I believe that what was attempted was to make it "feel"like all you had was hand signals.When first released it had all the commands as the other modern sims,but it was cut back as they had no radios to communicate with.


But Wait. Maybe there were hand signals for situations like like. A simple command like "Cover Us" could be directed towards the Fighters.

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Nah im sure the 2nd finger over was the signal for when the Fokkers were not providing ecsort... and its usually understood well by the receiving end. If it actually helped situation or not is still up for discussion...





:haha: ok sorry for some reason the week left some humor.

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I believe that what was attempted was to make it "feel"like all you had was hand signals.



I new a 727 pilot that used to open up the side window and give hand signals on the taxi-way....what a hoot!!!

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That makes sense. No Radios, lolol, but you would think the Fokkers would cover us instead of attacking the ground targets............




Not sure but its most likely that when you replace the bombers with fighters in the loadout screen in a bombing mission the game still "thinks" they are bombers. You are only changing the models and not the mission parameters of the models.

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I've had several "intercept" style missions in campaigns where I have to, well you guessed it, intercept an enemy flight approaching an aerodrome. They turned out to be scouts on a bombing run acting every bit the same as a 2-seater bomber would: formation, straight flying, etc. Even after they dropped their load, they acted like bombers. Fish in a barrel with no tail gunner...


It must have something to do with the role they take on in the mission, there is no flexibility once assigned... I imagine that would be some mighty complex AI code to switch that around mid-way... Then again, maybe not... Have the "role" change after their bombs drop, seems simple logic.

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Not sure but its most likely that when you replace the bombers with fighters in the loadout screen in a bombing mission the game still "thinks" they are bombers. You are only changing the models and not the mission parameters of the models.



That's what I fiqured, oh well. After we bomd the Target, Then I'll give the hand signal to Attack the fighters, But then I'll loose all my bombers, lololol

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This was the stupid way to fight in WW1. No way of advanced tactics, only one big unit and all did the same the leader did. Stupid, but historical correct.

Edited by Gepard

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The manual is located in First Eagles folder\Manual\WW1.pdf :)

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