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Hornet 4.0 finnaly coming

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As I was originally a vetran of the Mac simming scene, A-10, Cuba, Hellcats, Hornet 3.0 and Korea, etc. I am officially very stoked. I check Graphsim.com about once a month or so but they've done a very good job of hiding the fact that they are still in business. Anyway, I want for "2 weeks from now" and I hope niether can you.

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Ok CowboyTodd, you gotta give us more info than that bud. What is this Hornet 4.0 and is it a rehashed Hornet Korea or a totally new sim? How about realism, can we expect something along the lines of Janes F18? What about Campaign, Flight models, Damage models, Multiplayer, Mission builder, yadda yadda.

More Intel please

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Check out the Interview link on the mainpage :wink:

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Well no real info in that interview other than the theatre they are gonna use. Personally I think they should name it Hornet 4.0 it seemed to work for Falcon 4.0 lol

Problem is are we looking at a realistic Hornet sim here or a "Novalogic" type game?

For a release date being so close (according to the dev) there sure is a lack of info on this thing which bothers me.

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A-10 Cuba, I absolutely loved that sim. F/A-18 felt similar in a way but really couldn't touch the wonderful physics modeling A-10 had. I still have it and fly it now and then just for fun.


Graphsim, well, I hope they started from scratch and built a whole new sim engine. The Korea one was nice but again, lacking in the physics modeling IMHO.

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