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bill the cat


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This message is for everyone. I have been reading a lot of post over the last few months and I need help. I have been into flight sims since Aces over the pacific etc.. however after EAW have not played in years. Recently I purchase a new computer, controls etc.. along with IL2 series, First eagles and the WOV series. I love how everyone creates modifies these games but do not know where to start. I have purchased add ons like wings over waves, etc but many I see at combatace look both impressive and fun. I am a casual gamer and sure would like to try some of the add-ons. any help will be appriciated. Also I have never posted before so help here would be great..... where to start.




Bill the Cat

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a good place to start is downloading from the Strike fighters/Wov/woe skins it helps getting used to modding files and following instuctions,i would refer you to the strike fighters section at combat aces home page. .P.S.welcome aboard. - D_

Edited by Darrin

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If you have Wings over Europe, which I'm not certain of, I would recommend the "all in one" NATO Fighters 1 and 2 add ons. Lots of stuff with minimal hassle.

Unfortunately, there hasn't been a lot of bundling like that because people have gotten all pissy about their stuff being with someone else's or whatever, so often you have to do everything separately yourself.

First Eagles is the same type of situation, with little bundling and most stuff separate.

I'd say the easiest things to do are usually just adding planes. The 2nd easiest is terrains, followed closely by the Weapons Pack for the SFP1/WoX series which is required if you want to use the weapons on a lot of the add on planes. Without it, you may have a plane with nothing but a gun. :grin:


Of course, for Il-2 the only addons are commercial or just skins, nothing complicated there--unless you buy multiple addons and then there can be a dance as to which ones get installed when and how in the patching process...

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If you have Wings over Europe, which I'm not certain of, I would recommend the "all in one" NATO Fighters 1 and 2 add ons. Lots of stuff with minimal hassle.


I checked the out column5 site and apparently there's word that NATO Fighters III is also bound to be released.. Could you please tell us something more about it if possible?



Thanks a lot.



Edited by Tomcat_ace

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Not much info other than that, really. I heard they're shooting for an "end of year" release, but as always that's not guaranteed by any means. It comes when it comes. :grin:

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