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Tu-4 engine sound is mute......

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i modded my tu-4 add on for me to be able to fly it.


and added weapons, modern and old, which was cool


(especially w/ 10 jdams or gbu-10's per wepz bay :crazy: )


only beef with it was even after modding its .ini to use c-130,yak-141 :rofl: , or even talon engine sounds, none would be heard in game.

only sounds were from my belly and tail gunners's guns, and the gear sound(oh, no flaps sounds too.), and damage sounds.


any help would be gratefully thanked..

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1) why are you putting US weapons on a Ruskie bird??? They won't work due to it's an 'enemy' type aircraft

2) end service date for the Bull is WAAAAY to early for guided weapons


3) what does your //Sounds section look like???

This is from mine, and works just fine: (well, excepting for the damaged engine sound..)










4) are you guns fixed? ie: the correct type??? They should be NS-23s


The Tupelov series bombers are next up on my list of updated data and loadouts for the KB, so hang tight!


:rofl: I may be the King of What If.. for the SF/WoV/WoE series, but some of you folks have gone 'round the bend!!! :crazy:


Make me feel like I'm flying "The Wingman" stories again :wink: (which, btw, I really enjoy!!!!!!!)



Kevin Stein

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1) why are you putting US weapons on a Ruskie bird??? They won't work due to it's an 'enemy' type aircraft

2) end service date for the Bull is WAAAAY to early for guided weapons


3) what does your //Sounds section look like???

This is from mine, and works just fine: (well, excepting for the damaged engine sound..)










4) are you guns fixed? ie: the correct type??? They should be NS-23s


The Tupelov series bombers are next up on my list of updated data and loadouts for the KB, so hang tight!


:rofl: I may be the King of What If.. for the SF/WoV/WoE series, but some of you folks have gone 'round the bend!!! :crazy:


Make me feel like I'm flying "The Wingman" stories again :wink: (which, btw, I really enjoy!!!!!!!)



Kevin Stein


hey wrench!

btw nice job on the talon pilot!!!!!

looks soooo darn nice!


as for the tu-4,

i put every weapons attachment i could think of(from IAF, to USMC)

too much weapons loads crashes the game though.


but putting in some hi-tech smart bombs of both sides of the lake seems to have made it fun though.


i tried every EngineSoundName i had in my sounds folder but not one was ever audible.

i heard nothing.

except for the gears ang guns. the guns function good though, pointing at the enemy all the time

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Make me feel like I'm flying "The Wingman" stories again :wink: (which, btw, I really enjoy!!!!!!!)



Kevin Stein


AMEN brother Wrench!!!!!! I sure wish he'd start writing some more Wingman. I have read his Chopper Ops and the SuperHawks series. Tried the Starhawk series but couldn't stay with the si-fi stuff...... LONG LIVE HAWK HUNTER!!!!!!!

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