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Help with Vietnam 1984 mod

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Great mod MK2 and crew :clapping:


I just need some help with a couple of issues:


- Finding the carrier: The carrier is not at the last waypoint, and asking for a ground control stear will take you to the empty waypoint. I've found the boat as much as 5nm from the waypoint by performing an outward spiral search. This works for some of the missions, but in heavy weather and night conditions you can search in vain for the deck. This problem is compounded by the fact that the ship does not turn the lights on in weather or darkness. Is there a way to fix the waypoint issue, or probably easier, a way to add lights to the existing boat, or add a better boat even?


- HUDs: most of them do get the job done, but the HUDs on the F-16 and specially on the AV-8 are not up to the task. The F-16A sight does not seem to compute lead in A/A gun mode, but at least it depresses for A/G work. The AV-8C has just a boresight cross that does not depress or calculate lead. I find it strange because the HUD on the AV-8C is the same as the british version, the GR.3, which is well modeled in WOE. In the case of the F-16A, the HUD is virtually the same as the one on the A-10 which is also fully functional in WOE. Can the HUDs for the GR3 and A-10 be ported over to Vietnam 1984, or are there more recent aircraft files available with working HUDs?


- AAA/SAM activity: I haven't seen any, ever. I read something about changing the campaign start date to 1979, but it did nothing. I also read something about a mod that extends the AAA activity to dates beyond 1980, but I haven't been able to find it in the DL section. Can something be done about this?


Advice, links, filenames or anything that narrows the search greatly appreciated.




"No plan survives contact with the enemy"


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Finding the carrier:


As in Real Life, the carrier moves. SF's code was originally written with fixed airbases in mind, WoV added carrier ops, but as you've discovered, they're not fully implemented, even with SP4. Perhaps TK will address this in a future patch, he has stated in the past that he might.





Vietnam '84 was released well before WoE and the SP4 updates for SF & WoV, so you're dealing with older models that use the original avionics code. The updated code allows for much more sophistication in the way of HUDs, Radars, and RWRs.


AAA/SAM activity:


The issue here is probably one of both individual model-data.inis for the SAM launchers (specifically, their in-service and out-of-service dates), and the dates that SAM sites are active in the VietnamSEA_Targets.ini file.


Locate, downlaod, and install the updated SAM pack, which includes both SA-3s, SA-8s, and SA-9 launchers, all of which the Vietrnamese would undoubtedly had in operation during 1984.


Feel free to drop me a PM if you require further assistance.

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Thanks for the info.


I've been getting better at spotting the boat. It is ussualy moving along the heading track set by the last two waypoints. Thank god it leaves a wake, unlike the stock WoV boat.


As far as the avionics go, I guess that's the price you pay for getting so many birds in one simple install mod. Is there a mod for WoE that adds carrier ops and flyable red birds, in a single install, like Vietnam 1984?


Updated sam files, good stuff!

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Thanks for the info.


I've been getting better at spotting the boat. It is ussualy moving along the heading track set by the last two waypoints. Thank god it leaves a wake, unlike the stock WoV boat.


once you hit the last waypoint the needle on the tacan points to the carrier. usually......

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