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Track IR 4

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I seem to have done everything that I was instructed to do to get this to work in FSX, but the game doesn't seem to recognize it, or that the Track IR program doesn't recognize the game. Like to know what I should do to get this to work. Thanks!

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I don't have FSX myself, but I do have a TIR4 that I use in every flight sim and a few other games as well.

I take it the blue light isn't going on? Do you have the latest software version? If you have an older one it may not recognize FSX at all.

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Everything has been updated. I have version 4.1.030 - which is the latest version on the Naturalpoint website. I listed FSX under a profile that I use for SFP1, WOV, and WOE; and yes, the blue light doesn't come on. The main menue doesn't recognize FSX when it is playing, even though it is listed under my profile selections. According to everything that I've done, it should work. The green light and the 4 red lights on the Track IR are on when FSX plays, just not the blue one.

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You don't have your .exe renamed, do you? I think that's how the TIR software knows what to do, by the running .exe.


That said, I have had this issue a couple of times before in games here and there. LOMAC was one for certain. Went in, no blue light, no TIR. Exit, go back in, blue light is back. :umnik2: :dntknw:


Maybe the problem is you're trying to use the same profile as SFP1? Doesn't TIR have a separate one already for MSFS? Flight vs combat flight? I've not done too much with the software myself, but I know it lets you clone profiles and such.

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the .exe is not renamed (i don't think the program would work at all if you did that). As far as I'm aware, as long as I have FSX listed under combat flight, it should work with the combat flight profile. I have tried other profiles as well. One thing that I am aware of and been trying to figure out how to get it to work in FSX is that in the SFP1 games, I have the view controller assigned to my mouse. I've been trying to get that to work with FSX, but it's either being stubborn, or I don't know how to correctly assign the viewing to my mouse. I think once I've figured that one out, I'll be able to use my TIR.

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