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WOE stock GR.3 harrier campaign broken?

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Heya folks,


I'm running a clean install of combined WOE/WOV patched to v8.30.06.


I've been playing the stock '79 campaign with the RAF No.1 squadron flying the GR.3 harrier. I was surprised to see that you only had sidewinders and drop tanks available at campaign start, specially because the 1st mission was tank busting CAS. Oh well, cannons work good, so no biggie there.


I figured that it was a feature of the campaign where you started fighting off the enemy with almost no weapons, and that eventually you'd start getting bombs and rocket pods. Well, no such luck.


After 1 recon, 2 CAS, and 2 CAP missions in the campaign, I'm being sent on an AF STRIKE mission with nothing but cannon, sidewinders and drop tanks. I even dropped the tanks on the runway, and straffed every round into it, as well as having my wingman strafe it... not a scratch on that thing.


I'm really thinking that there is something wrong here. The GR.3 has all its weapons available on single mission mode for the '79 year, so whatever the problem is, it has to do with the campaign, which is stock RAF '79.


Any help appreciated.

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Do you have the weapons pack installed?


Some names of weapons are changed by the pack. You'll need to extract the _data.ini for the campaign, edit it, then put it into the campaign's folder.


In the _data.ini for the campaign, find the section for the harrier squadron you're flying. At the bottom is a list of weapons types available to you in the campaign. The names must match names in the weapondata.ini.


Squadrons other than the one you are flying, do not use this section, and simply go by the aircraft's _loadout.ini.

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Hmm, yes, I did install the weapons pack. I dind't know it'd break some of the stock campaigns, as my F-15 and A-10 campaigns are working fine. Weird it just messed up the harrier.


Ok, I get your advice, but WoE does not have a campaign_data.ini on the campaign folder like WoV used to have. I take it you have to extract it from a *.dat file to modify it, but I don't have the tool to do it.


I'd be eternally gratefull for a link or a stear to the correct extracting application. I've seen one in the d/l section, but it says "for SFP1" which is five years old, so I din't get it.


Anyway, the name and location of the file I have to extract from would also be most welcome.


Thanks for the help.

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That is the cat extraction program you want, it's the only one in existance as far as I know.


The .cat you need to open is in the Flight folder, MissionData.cat I think.

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Hmm, yes, I did install the weapons pack. I dind't know it'd break some of the stock campaigns, as my F-15 and A-10 campaigns are working fine. Weird it just messed up the harrier.


Ok, I get your advice, but WoE does not have a campaign_data.ini on the campaign folder like WoV used to have. I take it you have to extract it from a *.dat file to modify it, but I don't have the tool to do it.


I'd be eternally gratefull for a link or a stear to the correct extracting application. I've seen one in the d/l section, but it says "for SFP1" which is five years old, so I din't get it.


Anyway, the name and location of the file I have to extract from would also be most welcome.


Thanks for the help.


SFP/SFG/WOV/WOE are practically the same game underneath especially if they are all patched to the latest version - probably 90% of the mods work for all 3.


The loadout is determined by the campaign data ini file that you are about to get from the flight folder - which should be moved to the relevent campaign folder.


The automatic loadout for each plane is in the aircrafts personal loadout.ini (harrierGR3_Loadout.ini) file that can be found in "object.cat" and once extracted should be moved into the harrierGR3s folder.


note - Once you extract a file from a .cat file its only a copy - if you hash it up you can delete the ini file and extract it from the cat again.

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You guys rock!


Got it working finally. Didn't fix the campaign in progress, but it restarted fine from the beginning. Thank you folks.


Now, for my next project: Changing an existing unit's aircraft. I figure I'd just edit the campaign data.ini from one aircraft type to another for a particular squadron.


I'd like to change a milti-role campaign, like that of an F-4E for an F-16. In the campaign_data.ini, something like:



AircraftType=F-16 blk 10

(where xxx matches a squadron name in the WOEcampx.ini)


Would that do it? I'm thinking check that the year availabilty for the bird works, but where do you check that for a particular aircraft? Does it matter what service the aircraft was associated with, or is there something buried in there that would prevent me from putting an F-16 in a Luftie campaign?


Thank you for all the help.

Edited by SBIR

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The service date for each plane is at the top of the data.ini file (ie F-4E_Data.ini)


Yes you can replace an existing plane by changing the Aircraft Type and DefaultTexture.

If the unit you are changing is human playable it will have the list of weapons below it - you may also want to change the campaign.ini file also.


The campaign date is at the top of the campaign_data.ini and the start dates for each unit are in the campaign.ini


Opening up a can of worms - If you want to use the F-16 for the Germans you would probably have to create a German F-16 - as in make a copy of the F-16A_Blk10 folder - rename it to F-16A_Germ then rename its main ini file to F-16A_Germ.ini. In the Data.ini set NationName = WGermany

Of course then it will only be able to use German/NATO weapons - you may also want to get different skins for it also.


good luck with that - make sure you check the knowledge base here which can help you in more detail.

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