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Army Aviation Question

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Guest Ranger332

lol roflol TRY a LIL PLACE called "NAM" try a place called PANAMA,try another called FT POLK ,and again try FLORIDA----oh my mistake you cant you havent be in any service yet ---hummmmph, ok Lets try the OKFANOKIE (Spelling suk) national forest, :D


not belittling you reading ,but most Service members realy only trust opinoins of those that have been throught it to completion. sorta like the old bumber sticker "NAM where you there---if not shut the hell up"

excuse the lingo. Iam sure you have done some rough things in your life ,but ARMY RANGERS ,SPECIAL FORCES<and AIRBORNE. NAVY SEALS. MARINE FORCE RECON.and AIRFORCE SEARCH,and RESCUE. though different have a common bond Just like all COMBAT AVIATORS DO.


The closest thing I can readly think of here is the link we all have in the FLIGHT Sim. world. (but its not the same) but we can all relate to probs with pc operation systems, bandwith,and memory issues. but we arnt all PILOTS--not in the real world some were crewchiefs some doorgunners some realy were pilots,but here we are all pilots here in the game. Can you understand what I mean? :)


and as far as the "boarding parties they did become the "LeatherNecks" ok heres one right up you ally "snap" why they call them "Leathernecks" :?:

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Alrighty, Ranger, back on subject, lol


I checked those links, but couldn't find any definate answers. So, nobody here knows for sure how to become a commissioned pilot for the Army?

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Guest Ranger332

Heres my e-mail send my your number



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hmmmm... I dont really know why they are called leathernecks... for some reason my mom got me the mag subscritption when I was 4 (what wierd family), but I will make an educated guess... perhaps from the sunburn? Well wait Brits sunburn, our boys tend to tan for some reason tanning is the creation of leather, am I on the right track? Marines being up in the scaffolding* picking off the enemy.


Dont be knockin the St. Johns mofo, remember Andy Jackson couldn't beat the Seminoles because of the swamp, the farther south you go in Florida, the worse it gets, we've got gators in the sewer system here... sh*t we feed pizza to the one that lives in the canal next to my job (domino's). Eventually you run into the everglades where I have personally shot and killed a 14ft gator (keep that on the downlow, one of those expeditions with my crazy colombian in-laws. Only place that comes close to the Florida swamps is the Achifilaya* basin 'round Baton Rouge (I hate driving over that bridge on I-10). As for Nam, tigers and banana vipers will take the cake.


Sh*t how did this turn from aviation into a naval discussion, and then into this nonsense :?:


screw it I'm gonna go play Tropico 2.

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Ranger, email away.


Didn't they get the nickname from the old leather neck guards they used to wear to keep from being decapitated by saber's and cutlasses?

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Guest Ranger332




nd as far as the FL swamp its used for RANGER SWAMP PHASE during RANGER TRANING BATT. EXercises And at least it dident die my underwear brown like the ones in PANAMA did lol (the few times we wore underwear there lol)



anyway I get a call away later today.

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Ranger, no joy with any of the emails. I've only actually recieved one from you, and it had no message attached.

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ROFLOL! Hey Snapple, why ya think Marines are so cranky? Its from eatin all that so'called "chow". Now the Navy has grub! Steak, ice cream, sliders...


Hey Skater, I think ya made yur point about Navy ships being big, hehe, Heck of a picture. Took 15 minutes to load... :lol::lol::lol:


Ranger, yur points are well taken. The Army has an rather outstanding amphib capabiltiy. I expect though that Navy UDT was already ashore clearing the way of obstructions, etc. before you "mudmuffins" stepped ashore, hehe. (I KNOW this'll get a blast from the "Army", hehe) :wink:


{QUOTE}Sh*t how did this turn from aviation into a naval discussion, and then into this nonsense


screw it I'm gonna go play Tropico 2.{UNQUOTE}


poor snapple, hehe, all us former military are a little squirrelly after bein in too long... :?

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