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Red Von Hammer

Aquacomputer Eheim Pump

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Hi all


I`ve had my Mist Tsunami Double Row watercooling for about 9 months now.

Alittle over a month ago, the propellor started to rotate loose on the propellor shaft in the Eheim Pump. I consulted my brother about it, he claimed, exept the noise coming from it, it wouldnt do any harm, only way to fix it was to take the entire waterpump apart, piece by piece, and use some cranck tape to make sure the propeller stayed on the shaft tight and good.

The day before yesterday, things started to go weird, games hung up after about 10 mins of gameplay.

Today, when I was playing Need for Speed Carbon, and I was in the middle of a Boss race, the game ctd with an error.

I was sick and tired of this and checked my watercooling, I found out there was no water going around in the water cable system, the watertank didnt have water waves in it like before..


I do hear the propeller still going around, but I don`t see any water circulating. Could it be the propeller being so far out on the shaft that it doesnt pump the water thru the cables?


Edit: Had a look at the cpu waterblock.. the core of it is black.. I dont have the guts to take the block off.. :(





Edited by Red Von Hammer

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No idea here, but this a prime reason I'm sticking to air cooling. The very idea of water cooling scares me!

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No idea here, but this a prime reason I'm sticking to air cooling. The very idea of water cooling scares me!


That's becuase you walk around with this large glowing electrical rod.

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Something I learned as a wee Padawan--water and electricity don't play nice together! :wink:

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