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Cockpits for F4s or G

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Does anybody know if enhanced pits are available for the F4s or F4g Wild Weasel V?? I looked around but didnt see any at the usual sites.


C46th out

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F-4S = F-4J


F-4GWW = F-4E


should work just fine (that's how mine are set up!)



kevin stein

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Does anybody know if enhanced pits are available for the F4s or F4g Wild Weasel V?? I looked around but didnt see any at the usual sites.


The pit (and avionics, at least game-wise) of the F-4G is quite similar to (if not the same as) that of the F-4E, so the stock (or any downloadable hi-rez) F-4E pit can be used as stand-in.


The pit of the F-4S is nearly identical to that of the F-4J. The only difference I could find is the radar controls and display.


F-4S pit:




By any chance, could anyone enlighten me about the characteristics of the radar (APQ-99 IIRC) used in the F-4S? I've been trying to come up with some info or data for some time now, but all I could find was that it is capable of displaying range information, bearing information and IFF information, but no figures or exact data. I guess we could model it in the SFP1-series (using the Avionics70.dll), provided that we have the exact data...

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