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Blade last won the day on April 22

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  1. RF-4C Phantoms of the 26th TRW in the '70s and early '80s (list based on my photo collection): 68-0565 SEA Camo 1978 Jun 17th TRS 68-0566 SEA Camo 1975 Jun 17th TRS 68-0567 SEA Camo 1978 Jun 17th TRS 68-0568 SEA Camo 1978 Jun 17th TRS 68-595 SEA Camo 1980 Jun 38th TRS (probably w/ 17th TRS previously) 68-596 SEA Camo 1979 Jun 38th TRS 68-599 WrapAround 1981 Jun 38th TRS 68-0600 WrapAround 1982 Sept 38th TRS 68-0602 SEA Camo 1979 Jul 38th TRS 69-350 SEA Camo 1979 Jun 38th TRS 69-360 SEA Camo 1983 Mar 38th TRS 69-361 SEA Camo 1979 Jul 38th TRS 69-365 SEA Camo 1980 May 38th TRS 69-366 SEA Camo '70s 38th TRS 69-367 WrapAround 38th TRS 69-373 SEA Camo 1979 Jul-Aug 38th TRS *69-374 SEA Camo 1978 Jun No sqn markings *69-374 SEA Camo 1981 Jan 38th TRS 72-152 WrapAround 1978 Jun 38th TRS (probably the 1st WrapAround) 68-558 SEA Camo 1973 Aug No sqn markings 68-564 SEA Camo 1976 Aug No sqn markings 69-364 SEA Camo 1978 Jul No sqn markings, probably 17th TRS 69-372 SEA Camo 1977 Jun No sqn markings 69-370 SEA Camo 1974 Sep No sqn markings, probably 17th TRS Note: 17th TRS inactivated on 1 Jan 1979.
  2. FlickR has some cool 497 F-4E photos (guess you also know them, you seem as thorough a researcher as I try to be). https://www.flickr.com/photos/40263244@N04/45555938205 https://www.flickr.com/photos/40263244@N04/32596386088 https://www.flickr.com/photos/40263244@N04/45555961455 As for the '15th TRS' RF-4C serial (taken a bit earlier, still during the Kadena days):
  3. Here you are. Some of them come from https://www.deviantart.com/f16crewchief/gallery/23910165/aircraft So, you need 497 F-4E pix, too. What paint schemes are you interested in?
  4. Today I ran into the same problem. New PC with SSD & HDD, Win10 installed on SSD. First I did not install the game just copied all the SF2 files and folders from my old PC to the SSD. After starting the game, the init. screen appears, then nothing happens. So far this seems exactly what Agostino described. However, reinstalling the game solved the problem (at least in my case). During the install process I got an error message saying that the system was missing Microsoft Net Framework 3.5 (which is needed for running SF2). With a simple click the system downloaded and installed MS Net Framework, then finished installing the game. All is well now, I can even run the game I originally copied over. Agostino, install Microsoft Net Framework and see what happens. Hope this helps.
  5. Czechoslovak MiG-15 in action.
  6. It won't show up as a fuel tank. If everything is set up correctly it appears in the loadout menu as in my screenshot (the number of bombs may differ). Does it appear on the aircraft when you load the mission?
  7. Suez '56 - EC 1/2 Mystere IVA & No. 34 Sqn Hunter Mk. 5
  8. It is the folder in which you installed the game.
  9. Mue's extractor is much more user friendly. https://combatace.com/files/file/15942-mues-toolbox/
  10. Intercept!

    Somewhere over the North Atlantic
  11. Here is the blue skin. As far as I can remember, it is also from CheckSix (I downloaded it in '07). MirageIIIC_2_10_BleuDA.zip Edit: Here is the original C6 link: https://www.checksix-fr.com/bibliotheque/index.php?page=detail&ID=5483 Wow, I had no idea that CheckSix was still available.
  12. Hi, I have the Nesher exe if you still need it. I also happen to have a French blue skin for the IIIC as well. Also, note that one of the early Falkland all inclusive packs has updated models for the Dagger and the IIIEA (with higher poly-counts). As for the RWR threat lists, they reside in the same cat file that has the particular aircraft. Use Mue's extractor, the TW one does not seem to be able to extract (or see) them for some reason.
  13. Bear Hunt - The French Style

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