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A Day before Israel's 59th Independence Day

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Today we (the Israeli people) remember 22,305 men and women killed

in wars and fights and terror attacks since 1860.

(the year when jews living in Israel began building outside the walls of Jerusalem)


This year 233 people were added to list, 119 of them died during the "Second Lebanon War".


Bitter and Sweet mixed together, hoping the bitterness will end soon

and for sweeter days to come...!

to all our allies and good friends as well.

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Happy Independence Day Israel. May peace be unto you.....



and I saw this Nesher LOL


in English: "Zahal (IDF) is screwing me till 2010, way to go Zahal!"

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it was there since i added the current signature...

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I just caught LOL......and I understand Sarge!

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Happy independence day Israel. may long you live and prosper.




Dave ; Zahal is screwing me since november 1976. Way to go Zahal !!!!!!!!! LOL


Edited by MannieB.

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Happy birthday to your country, and a salute to those that have fallen...

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