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Online Weapons Library, take 1

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Well, here goes nothing...


Link : 3-Way Bomb Comparison Tool


Since I have some free time at the moment I started a little SF-related project (among other things).

The goal is to have an online database of the weapon's pack so you can consult, compare, research and filter them.

Ultimately it would also allow editing, versionning and the building of standard and personnalised weapon's pack (no installer though).

In theory we could extend that beyond weapons and go all the way to aircraft aerodynamics, but let's not be too enthusiastic, there is a long way to go.


I already compiled the data dictionnary I needed for my coding (after a little cleaning-up it could be used for the knowledge base) and built the importing scripts.


The first night of work produced a basic (from a coder point of view, it's simplistic, from an aesthetic and ergonomic point of view, it's rather crude, but functionnality is here) 3-Way comparison tool, restricted to bombs at the moment.

I'll probably add other weapon types later today.

The next step is a n-Way comparison tool for research and filtering.


What I'd need from you is :

- suggestions for ergonomic improvements

- relevant filtering and research criteria for n-way comparison and listing

- suggestions for graphics and graphic comparisons relevant when comparing weapons (ie. range and FoV of various missiles and guided bombs, range and aspect of heatseeking A2A missiles)

- Equations and suggestions of representations you may want to see applied to weapons (ie. mission planning functions to determine how much ordnance of which type you'd need)


Be as precise as you can, and try to focus on what's really useful first.


Oh, and be easy on the testing, the hosting is sometimes slow (shared hosting) and the code is far from optimised.

Edited by Gunrunner

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I like where you are going with this. Keep up the great work.

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I just took a quick glance at the site, and I think it can be useful. I'll be keeping an eye on it's development :smile:

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