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Ilithi Dragon

TLG Mod gearing up for next release

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The Legendary Generations mod is gearing up for our next release this weekend. For those of you not familiar with TLG, we're a merge of the Heroes and Legends (HaL) and Tactical Enhancement Mod (TEM). We've combined the canon stats and gameplay of HaL, and the enhancements of TEM. We've made a lot of improvements over the stock game, and we've got a lot more in the works. By the time we're done, TLG will have a combat style rather unique to Legacy (compared to the other mods currently available), and will be as true to canon as the Legacy system will allow. Our ships are balanced, and balanced now. We've still got some tweaking to do overall as we continue to add to the mod, but you don't have to wait for a full version for all the ships to be properly balanced with each other. We also feature unique play styles for the individual races, particularly in the TOS era. Remember those Romulan plasma torpedoes from "Balance of Terror"? We've got 'em. Powerful Klingon disruptors that made the Enterprise shudder with every hit? We've got 'em.


We're adding some new sounds and music in this release as well, just a sample of what's to come, what we've yet to add. Maps will be a big focus in upcoming releases, as we get them made and get the stock ones changed. We've yet to fully incorporate TEM, since TEM 2.0 hasn't been released yet, but we will be including the best from TEM, enhanced by TLG-specific additions and the gracious generosity of other modders who have offered to share their work with us.


Check us out at http://www.hal.reswebservices.com/, keep an eye on the announcements, and drop us a line on our forums. Also keep an eye out for screencaps, we'll be adding some to the site in the near future.

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good to see you and welcome to Combatace.I am like a kid in the candy store with these mods for legacy.

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Oh man its this kinda stuff that makes me REALLY hope to get Legacys for fathers day

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Glad to hear you're excited. We've put a lot of effort into our mod, and we really think we've made some huge improvements over the stock game.

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Glad to hear you are looking forward to the release Caveman. I am working on some new sound files as we speak so I hope they can make it into the patch. Look forward to hearing feedback from you guys.

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man fathers day is so far away....... any chance i can cahtch any vids???...if not it kool

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We're planning on getting some vids up, just haven't gotten the chance to yet. It's a small team and we've all got stuff to do beyond TLG, so screencaps, vids and general publicity have taken a back seat to actual work on the mod, but we're trying to get a bigger public profile now, so keep your eyes on the site for any updates.

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no worries m8 i'm very patient and i know real life gets in the way what can you do lol ok well i registered at your site and await further news

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Glad to hear it Caveman look forward to hearing more from you especially once you get Legacy.

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If you guys would like..we'll mirror any mods and patches for you.just go to the download section choose the Sci-fi,then Legacy section,you'll see the section where the other mods are uploaded.then upload all you want.

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Accurus,Thank you and the team for taking time to come here and post.Like i told you the Legacy section is growing and the more choices our readers have the more will come and enjoy it.I for one am enjoying the game,yes it has faults but the mods are making it much better.

I hope we can help you in small way to get the word out about your mod. Seems caveman is becoming a BIG fan of Legacy...so theres atleast one new player,and if we can get a few more then this has served it's purpose.

Again welcome and let us know if we can help.

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Ok, v0.1 is now up on combatace.com. It'll probably become outdated in the next couple days, when our next version is released (unless we get invaded by Tribbles or something), but it's there if anyone wants to try TLG without waiting for our next release. Thanks for the mirror, Dagger.

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Dagger we really appreciate the press you are giving us with this site. The more people who play it means the better we can make the mod with more opinions about what to change.


On the news front we are working very hard on our next release which has a ton of new stuff. It I am very pleased with this release as it fixes a lot of bugs that we had in .1 and at this point our testers are not finding any crash bugs or anything else. So this release will be stable as heck and have new toys for all. This patch has been in development for a long time and goes back to a day or so after the release of v.1.

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Just a little update for you guys we just released an internal build tonight of the TLG. It is amazing and only a couple minor things are being tweaked and a new feature or two is being added. I would guess that by Monday or Tuesday we should have something out to the public. This is a standalone installation of the mod. So you won't need any of the old files or installs just a fresh install of Legacy with the 1.2 patch. As well this mod is going to be huge. 260MB or there abouts though a few new features and files may take it over the 300 MB mark or pretty close. So be ready for a long download. Thanks to all and we hope you enjoy TLG when it comes out. Also feel free to give us any comments about our mod either on this forum or on our forum.

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