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ARES Project - "Messerschmitt 263"

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Well....i was just debating the jet fighters movie theme and came across a memory of one fine airplane from Aces: Iron Eagle 3.







The ARES (Acronym for "Agile Responsive Effective Support") Scaled Model 151, was designed initially in response to a U.S. Army request for a Low Cost Battlefield Attack Aircraft (LCBAA). It is powered by a single Pratt and Whitney Canada JT15D-5 turbofan engine (same as in the Beechjet / T-1A Jayhawk) and is armed with a GAU-12/U 25mm gatling gun. Ares appeared in the movie Aces, Iron Eagle III in the guise of a Messerschmitt 263.



Ares was designed initially in response to a U.S. Army request for a Low Cost Battlefield Attack Aircraft (LCBAA). A design study was performed by Rutan Aircraft Factory in 1981 for such an aircraft. The original LCBAA design was for a pusher turboprop aircraft, of generally the same aerodynamic configuration as in the Ares. It also was designed around a 30mm chain gun. Its mission goals were low-altitude, close air support, with long endurance, and with adequate field performance to operate from roads. Its structure and systems were simple enough to be maintained and repaired in the field.

Scaled followed up with the concept, and ultimately decided to build a demonstrator aircraft with internal funds.

The ARES first flew on February 19, 1990, with Scaled test pilot Doug Shane at the controls. Since that first flight, the ARES has flown more than 250 hours, and demonstrated all of its design performance and handling qualities goals, including departure-free handling at full aft stick. During November of 1991, under a contract from the U.S. Air Force, initial ground and flight (air-air and air-ground) tests of the GAU-12/U gun system installed in ARES were performed, with outstanding results.

Movie buffs may also remember the ARES villainously portraying the secret ME-263 jet in the screen classic Iron Eagle III.

Since its initial development, ARES has been utilized for development of some unique, proprietary systems, and is currently available for use as a research testbed











If anyone seen the movie would remember of a black paint with a suastica....i think it would be a nice addition to a "what if..." aircraft would you think??

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I'd forgotten all about this plane! Probably because I was trying to block Iron Eagle III from memory... :grin:

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I'd forgotten all about this plane! Probably because I was trying to block Iron Eagle III from memory... :grin:



Dont be so mean! The movie is bad, but the plane is nice.....something should be worth the movie though. :biggrin:

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Such a weird looking plane. Dont like the asymmetrical configuration too much. I bet it would have made a poor anti helicopter/CAS bird.

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I bet it would have made a poor anti helicopter/CAS bird.


I don't see why it would have been a bad anti-helo/CAS aircraft other than maybe not enough armor protection. As long as it flies nice and aims right...



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That would really have been just a flying gun. Couldn't have taken much damage, I'm sure.

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I remember this aircraft! I also remember that paint job it had in iron eagle 3(horrible movie)! I think this would be an awesome adition to WOV! With its GAU and a couple of pylons with roclet pods, bombs, A2A Missles, and various other weapons this could be a very interesting light attack aircraft.

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I remember this aircraft! I also remember that paint job it had in iron eagle 3(horrible movie)! I think this would be an awesome adition to WOV! With its GAU and a couple of pylons with roclet pods, bombs, A2A Missles, and various other weapons this could be a very interesting light attack aircraft.



Especially with its agility and manouver capacity! :wink:

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Yeah. And you can realy just go wild with it's skins, since it realy doesnt have an owner country you can make skins for just about any country or acrobatics team.

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