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Lately FE has been freezing on me. It started when I began installing capun's addons. I used the ini fix for the camel ctd prob. And recently I upgraded my ATI9600 drivers. Few moments ago I d/led the latest DX9C. I even turn off AA. Nothing works.


Other games seem ok. The only game is freezing on me is FE. Any suggestions? :dntknw:



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Freezing as in you need to hit reset to get it going again, or you can alt-tab/ctrl-alt-del out of it?

Generally speaking screen freezes that require power/reset are video and/or sound related. You didn't say CTD so I'm guessing that's not what's happening to you.

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Freezing as in you need to hit reset to get it going again, or you can alt-tab/ctrl-alt-del out of it?

Generally speaking screen freezes that require power/reset are video and/or sound related. You didn't say CTD so I'm guessing that's not what's happening to you.


I needed to push my power button in until it shuts off. Total freeze up. The only thing I can think of is that my vid card is dying. But I haven't seen any weird artifacts in FE except for the freezing. Another plausable reason is my old turtle beach 2 sound card. I'll test my other games to make sure tonight to see they freeze too.



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Did four single missions in SFP1 (real time) and no freezes. Saw no artifacts far or near. Did 2 missions in FE until freeze up. 1 in camel, no freeze.. 1 in DR1 and total freeze up in dogfight. It froze with in few mins after first merge. I'm getting a little annoyed here.. grrr :angry2:



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Guest capun

Is the game freezing with custom made missions?


If the answer is yes, look at the mission and check that you must have a




for one of your waypoint, most likely where the target is.

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Well, FE certainly works the video card harder than SFP1. Do you have any other games more graphically demanding than FE? I'd almost suspect an overheat situation but if you've got some heavier hitters than FE that work ok, than it's likely not.

Troubleshooting error-less freezes is the worst thing in the world...

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Well, FE certainly works the video card harder than SFP1. Do you have any other games more graphically demanding than FE? I'd almost suspect an overheat situation but if you've got some heavier hitters than FE that work ok, than it's likely not.

Troubleshooting error-less freezes is the worst thing in the world...


I have few games like that. I'll test them ASAP. I'm suspecting overheat as well.



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Ok, played Red Orchestra Osfront for few missions off line. It finally froze on my 5th mission. My take is that I'm overheating. Its normal for me in summer time. My computer/tv room gets hot. Even with a fan its still hot :(.



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Looks like you're gonna need a bigger fan. :wink:

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Yep a huge fan. I gonna build a new gaming pc soon and found a antec 900 case with 120mm fans. Hopefully that'll help. One thing about the case I don't like is the position of the power button. But I can assign a key on the kb as an alternative button. What worries me is I use a KVM switch to switch from my internet system to my gaming pc. Will a kb key assigned as a power button work if I have my kb on a switchbox?? I guess I'll find out..



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That's an interesting question. I don't know if anyone's mentioned doing that before. In theory, it should work.

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