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How can i modify Weapondatas so, that i can select different Droptankskins

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this is for the weapon-gurus!

After i have fixed the loadouts for my German Starfighter,

i want to modify the f-104G wingtanks so, that i can select

different skins (green, blue, orange-green etc).

I know that there is a way to do that, but i don´t know how....

i remember that in one pack that function was included, now

there are ony the different bmp-files in there and you cant select them...


I hope that someone can help me!

thanks, Carlo

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Hi soulfreak,

I am not sure but I think it requires hex-editing a existing fuel tank and create a "new" fuel tank woth appropriate re-named bmps and lods.

May be a weapons guru can help you out better.

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Are the lods existing for the 'new' tanks?? If not, you'll have to do like I did to re-create the 'stockish' Euro-greens.


copying and renaming lods is pretty easy -- they're just like any other file. But like Ghost said, they might need internal hex editing to rename the bmps it should look for. Also, the bmp may need renaming to match the size of the space inside the lod where the pointer for the bmp is.


I know that's not very clear, but here's a screen shot from my hex editor, to visually show what I mean:




You see the call out, and it has x amount of 'digit places', in this case 17 places. The bmp name must match that amount ie:


Tank170F104or.bmp, for example, for the Orange tank (or=orange).


After editing, you'd "save as" Tank170F104or.LOD


In the fuel tank ini, you'd just use the new lod name.


As to getting them selectable, you need to edit the pointer in the data ini like I did to fix the Euro Greens:


(this is for the wingtip tank, btw)




and in the loadout ini, same thing:





This will cause them to preload all the time.


Hope that helps (after giving away all my secrets!!!)



kevin stein

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Ah, now i know! ;)

the *.lod datas are there


and the Tank_170RF104g.ini looks so:









is it right that there is no ini for the left tank?

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All the tanks will need their own inis (both right and left tip tanks, and if you modded the underwing 195 gallon one)


And don't forget, the tip tanks load 'asymetrical', so you'll need that box check in the weapons editor; just like I did for Euro Greens..





(for the orange)


Carlo, I'll be happy to have a look at them, if you wish.

PM me, and I'll send you my email addy.



Kevin Stein

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  Wrench said:
All the tanks will need their own inis (both right and left tip tanks, and if you modded the underwing 195 gallon one)


And don't forget, the tip tanks load 'asymetrical', so you'll need that box check in the weapons editor; just like I did for Euro Greens..





(for the orange)


Carlo, I'll be happy to have a look at them, if you wish.

PM me, and I'll send you my email addy.



Kevin Stein


ah, i think i know now, must there be 2 *.lod datas for each tank?

there is in the moment only one.

btw i have found the other *.ini for the tank.

I´ll try it over the weekend, if i have no luck, i´ll send them to you

to have a look! ;)

Thanks for your help Kevin!

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