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Vista crashes after one mission

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Just purchased this little gem.


Very impressive, bu tI have two problems....


1st problem is im having a quirky problem with VISTA.


I can run the program fine...fly a mission fine...etc etc....


however at the end of the misison when I hit ESC I crash to desktop.


This makes campaign misison where savi ng results is important pretty much impossible.


I suppose I can keep up with just quickmissions but was wondering if anybody had an idea on a solution.





2nd problem is I cant hit the side of a barn .......i dont suppose I can plame that one on VISTA as well?

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Yeah, it's all Vista's fault....I think Vista might be responsible for Jimmy Hoffa too.


I didn't realize how bad Vista was until this last thursday. I live about 10 minutes from the Microsoft campus...one of my neighbors is a long time MS employee. We went golfing thursday and I found out he was on the OS team for 15 years and when he found out some of the things they were planning with Vista, he told his team lead where he could stick it and left the team. He now works for the Office '07 team. He said Vista crashes the work machines at Microsoft all the time.


He won't even install it on his own computers at home.


I think his exact words to describe Vista were "Steaming pile of ****"

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Well I work on Servers and PCs for a living and we will not take on any customers who have Vista on their machines. Last I heard the Fed. Dept. of Trans. has said they will not use to it and I am pretty sure a few other Feds Depts. have followed suit.


Vista is just Latin for Virus..... Like Aids for the computer.


I wish I could help you but there is no help for vista, Format drive, reinstall XP pro and Im betting all your problems disappear.

Edited by Firecage

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I work for USAFSPC and we've been told we'll be going to Vista soon enough. That's right, we launch billion-dollar rockets and we're going to Vista. Your taxpayer money is in good hands.

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