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It was todays dev update, wow I am sooo stoked!

(sorry for image szie)


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Yes, very cool Todd. Im looking forward to a little Pacific action. It'd be really cool to have a few Pacific Island maps and to be able to operate from a carrier.


Question for you history buffs cause I cant find an answer...


I know Russia attacked Japan in the last weeks of the war. But didnt they have a shootout in the late '30's? Some kinda border skirmish? I know that Zhukov who designed and help lead the counter-attack at Stalingrad was stationed in the Far East at that time and I understand he was a hero because of some action there. Im wondering because if we had some early Jap aircraft we could recreate the border clashes if they happened with the Soviet aircraft and maps we have now. I'd love to see some early planes like nates and claudes.

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Ah! Listen to this! I found it in the book "Enemy at the Gates". Zhukov faced a surprise Japanese attack in 1939 in an area called Khalkin Gorge in Manchuria. The book says he won a tremendous victory over the vaunted Kwangtung Army. It earned him a promotion at a time when Stalin was killing off 50% of his officer corps during the great "purges".


So if there was a land action, I wonder if there was an air battle also? Anyone know? If so, what aircraft participated?

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Damn Japs, always messin with the Russians! They had a nice and bloody war in 1905, most people remember the loss of the Baltic Fleet, however if you really want to look into this war, you will find that it had some pretty interesting impacts on world politics. Like Britain mining parts of the English Channel to hopefully sink Russian ships, and Kaiser Wilhelm urging Nicholas to defend Europe from the heathens to the east, and the French not acting as allys to the Russians, actually the Germans were the only ones to help the Russians in this war, they let the Fleet use one of their coaling stations in one of the German colonies (maybe Africa).

Not to mention the encirclement of Port Arthor by the Japs, and the humiliating defeat to follow, Russia was not prepared for the war, the Siberain railway was still having to ferry trains across lake Baikal. And the ineptness of the supreme commander in the field.


All these fun facts and more in Solzhenitsyn's "August 1914: The Red Wheel Part I." If you can bear the boredom that is Russian literature.


Oh about that skirmish in 1939, I think there may have been one before, but I got this from a chick I used to know (Naomi Miyamoto), her grand dad was in one of those skirmishes and got captured (sent to Siberia) she relayed to me that when he took a sh*t, it froze instantly. :lol: Now thats COLD!

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DAMN IT! Somebody delete one of those posts (cause I cant edit).


And I forgot to mention the game, this sim has sooooooo much potential. I really really really hope they want to branch out into other theatres. I was thinking (as I was flying an He 111 online) "Damn this German wish I were a heavy bomber" and I suddenly wanted a B-17. They could do it with enough patches but that may not be economically feesible*. They could use the same graphics, but have games like "P-51 Mustang... Cadillac of the Sky", or "B-29 Superfortress... Super Nuker".


Imagine having to fly Close A2G support for an amphibious landing, or Shooting up a Ju-87 over London in a Spitfire. UBI could kick the sh*t outa microsoft in the flight sim world. I wont even look at CFS I and II anymore, I just play IL2 FB :D

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