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DOOM III Trailer

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He Jeff....what about these beast...??? This game is all about the downward spiral....





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The graphics they are showing in DoomIII are nothing short of incredible. It's amazing to see just how far games have come in the last 10 years. I remember when Doom came out, we thought it was just the ultimate at the time. now we have near photo-realistic gameplay. Sure makes you wonder where we'll be in another 10 years.

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Oh, and they ripped these little pets from "The Thing", John Carpenter's best. movie. ever. :D

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Sure makes you wonder where we'll be in another 10 years.



We'll be on the "holo deck" saying things like "engage!"... :wink:


I played a LOT of Doom2, very cool. This is gonna be awesome... and spooky.

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