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Guest Tazkiller

Questions for the Experts Re: Mission Control ini

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Guest Tazkiller





InitialClimbDist=9260___________is this value meters or kilometers? InitialClimbDist does this relate to which Waypoint # 1 or 2?

InitialClimbAlt=3048____________is the value in meters?


MarshallTime=150______________what is this value? Purpose?

IPDist=27780__________________meters or kilometers? Purpose? Waypoint #4?


IPTime=120___________________what is this value? Purpose?



LandApproachDist=18520________meters or kilometers? Purpose? Waypoint #8?


LandLineupDist=9260____________meters or kilometers? Purpose? Waypoint #9?



ArrivalTimeDiff=60_______________what is this value? Purpose?

EscortTimeDiff=10_______________what is this value? Purpose?

MinBaseRange=30________________what is this value? Purpose?

MinFACRange=15_________________what is this value? Purpose?



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Thanks Taz. Looking forward to the answers.

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Based on in-game behaviors I've observed, I'm guessing all of those values are in either meters or feet. I don't know about those other ones.

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