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HUD squiggly line

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I've been watching some videos on youtube of dogfights (such as this one here:

), and I've noticed that on the HUD a squiggly line appears that looks like it leads up to the target. Does anyone know waht this line is or what it's used for? thanks

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I was wondering about that the other day...i think i saw a mod for WOE for that or am i wrong?

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The "squiggly line" is the snapshot sight . The line itself is the "Continuously Computed Impact Line - CCIL"

The 3 little bars crossing it are the Bullet Impact Point for a bullet time of flight of 0.8, 1.0 and 1.5 seconds ... ( IIRC...) without radar lock ( for a fixed range ).

With radar lock the actual impact point is computed on the line too ( a small circle ).

It's a historic sight.

Israeli Pilots like it alot , got kills with it in 1982 and apparently prefer it over the new EEGS ( info from forums on the internet, e.g. www.f-16.net).



No guarantee that I got all that tech things correct .... LOL

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