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Weapons not showing up.....

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Okay I give up.



There is probably an easy solution, but I cant figure it out.



Playing generic strike fighters with the latest weapons update, I can t get weapons....namely AAM's to show up in weapon selection in a a few add on aircraft.


Specifically the F-8D and CF-5A but I am sure more are out there.


The Data file shows "IRM" in the proper sections, but I must be missing something else....

























Any ideas on whats wrong and why my sidewinders dont show up?

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During a campaign, or one of the single missions, or the computer generated single mission?


Which particular version of the Sidewinder? Or any of them?


Do you have Bunyaps latest weapons pack?



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Well the F-8D is Navy so those entries will not work. As far as the CF-5A goes change the to AllowedWeaponClass=WP and see what happens.

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Guest Saganuay82

Canadian birds are set to WP. Yes I know it isn't Warsaw Pact but it does work.

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Since I haven't gotten to those yet.....


for any Canadian bird, you'll have to double check by using the weapons editor, you'll be looking for weapons prefixed with the word "CAN".


ie: CAN_Mk82, CAN_AIM-9L, etc


And you'll have to swith the attachemtntype= to "WP". Like Sag said, don't know why, that's just how it is!


As for you Cursader, like Dave said, "USN" is the attachment type


On any of them, remove all references to "NATO" - this acutally goes for all aircraft (with some exceptions, see the KB Weapons/Loads Editing thread for details), that are American



kevin stein

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