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Final Frontier Podcast Episode 10

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We finished Episode 10 of TFF and if you would still be willing to put a link to the show on the STG, it would be much appreciated. Below is the forum code.




Episode 10 Released!




Well folks this is truly a momentous occasion for the Final Frontier as we have hit our TENTH episode!!! Now, what did we do to commemorate this huge and important event?

Not a whole lot. In fact, as big as an occasion as this was the staff of the Final Frontier really didn’t feel this was the proper time to celebrate “our accomplishments”. We here at the Final Frontier were disappointed with Episode 9, despite the huge amount of information and segments we put together. We just weren’t satisfied with it, and some of you listeners also expressed those same feelings.

The decision was made to rework our format so we could get the good stuff in, without making you guys sit through an hour of lengthy information. So, we made a few distinct changes:


1. The Final Frontier now will try to air 30-40 minute episodes, shortening the time of the podcast.


2. The podcast will now try to have ONE interview per episode, and not two. As we have learned from episode 9, 2 interviews just don’t seem to work in one podcast


3. The podcast will also try limiting discussion topics to a max of 15 minutes.


Now, we can’t guarantee we’ll be able to do this every episode, but we shall try our best. Now, onto the lineup for this episode….drum roll please!


>>>>We get rolling with another Final Frontier “special intro”, one that will make you appreciate your radio a bit more. From there Magellanic gives you the rundown on all that’s going on this episode.


>>>>After that the Final Frontier gives you an exclusive interview with The Legendary Generations mod.


>>>>Next up is the rant to end all rants with Magellanic addressing the issues he has with Starcraft 2.


>>>>Finally we arrive at our discussion topic for this episode. Here we’ll be addressing the unfortunate premature ending of Battlestar Galactica, ending after season 4. Also we look at an interesting fan story telling event in Kirk vs. Picard, and we ask ourselves who is the better man?


We hope you enjoy and come back for more. This is Trekfan, signing off.


Presented websites:


The Legendary Generations ~ http://www.tlg.reswebservices.com/


Star Trek.com ~ http://www.startrek.com/












Music By:


Jerry Goldsmith

Blizzard Studios, StarCraft

Danny Pelfry

Alan Jackson

Dynamix, Tribes 2









Type Mpeg Layer 3 128kbps

Duration: 34.33

Size: 31.6 MB


Please leave any questions comments, requests, reviews, rants, complaints, and all other griping on our forums at http://z3.invisionfree.com/Ultimate_Battle...dex.php?act=idx

Thanks for listening!


~9 out of 10 Klingons want to rip Magellanic apart for his views on Starcraft 2.




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Thanks Acid for posting this. I posted about this episode in another thread and this saves me the time of posting the whole add. Much appreciate. The Starcraft 2 and the Battlestar Galactica Season 4 segments are quite good. This episode it better than most of theirs as I like their new format that makes the podcast flow much better. I would give it a listen as well as their their episodes which are all very good. This new format of theirs should really increase the quality of an already good show.

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Thanks Acidrain,I appriciate it.I'll take a listen to it.BSG?WOW!

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Not a problem, i downloaded it though i havent had a chance to listen to it ive been so busy with work and school. Though i look forward to listening to it, i hope it is alot better than what our interview was i was so disapointed with the interview and wasnt pleased with the manner in whcih it was conducted. Nonetheless its all good, i look forward to listening to the podcast and your segment.




You arent welcome! LOL JK! Your welcome!



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Yeah the interview isn't too incredible sounding audio quality wise as my mic is crap. But I can't complain as it was a free gift from a friend who worked at Office Depot. So I had to get close to the mic and you can hear my breathe with is kinda lame. Anyhow the interview wasn't too bad I wish it were a bit longer. But the interview serves it purpose in that it lets people know what is going on. We have 3 takes as was explained in the podcast. However the first one was about a 40 to 45 min interview. To be honest I was the most pleased with it but obviously couldn't have a whole episde dedicated to any one topic. In any case it definately worth a listen.

Edited by Accurus

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At least it was productive and they do have a listening base so at least you had a good interview. In my interview, my kids you could hear them in the background LOL. It was ok interview though iam glad you had a good interview and iam looking forward to listening to it.


Also, could you provide some information on the TLG mod on our forums? We have an area on other mods and it would seem thier are those that use both mods and we have a rather large group of people that come to the forums everything day and so on. So, i leave that offer for you and you are more than welcome to as you do have account on the forums though never used.





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