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the work going in to the game is great, but i still cant get over the AI.


its like they (Thirdwire) didnt even try. I score multiple kills in every mission and my wingmates barely get a shot off.


teamplay is a big part of this genre, at least to me.


sorry to gripe!

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I dunno. If I set Enemy air activity to Heavy and always order them to engage air via the comms the friendly AI regularly, no not always but often, get nearly half the kills...especially if there are some experienced pilots in the Squadron. Yes, I can still get 4 or 5 kills but in my experience the AI isn't totally useless. I get shot down by the enemy every now and then too. Also the AI in the campaigns seem a lot more aggressive than in single missions. Regardless IMHO lame, seemingly defenseless, sitting duck type pilots were a very real part of air combat. To paraphrase some British pilots from the Battle of Britain most pilots that got shot down didn't have any idea there were even any enemy planes about. We should be thankful for the fact that in the sim the AI doesn't make a pass, shoot off a few rounds and hightail it home...like they really did IRL. :wink:


And of course the game's shortcomings have nothing to do with Charles' very good campaigns so perhaps a general gripe about the AI should be a separate topic?

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It's always important to tell your AI to attack, otherwise they don't.

My AI wingmen always manage to get one kill if not more. You can also

tell them to attack your visual target and then chase after somebody else

while they keep that one tied up. I don't expect them to get more than 1 kill

(sometimes they get 2 or more), since they are going against equally skilled



But the player always "should" get the lion's share of the kills. Human beings,

at this point, are always going to be better pilots than the AI.


I'm still really enjoying Edward's terrific scenery. And the smoke effects addon

from Laton really gives depth to the combat experience. I just now noticed an

AI MOD by bortdafarm that says it will increase the activity of AI. So I think

I will be giving that a try too.

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the campaign (bloody april) is very good, tailspin is right about starting a new thread.


I try ordering my wingmates to attack but they dont fire off enough rounds if they do bother to attack. I will try to edit the ini. file to my tastes.



How do you order them to attack your visual target? And why is the player always flight leader despite not being top rank?

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How do you order them to attack your visual target? And why is the player always flight leader despite not being top rank?


My mistake Baron. I'm getting my Thirdwire products mixed up. You can do this in WoE,

but not in First Eagles.

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