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F/A-18 Addon in the works?

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There is lot's of great stuff going on in the LOMAC scene today. First we get a great new vid, but now there's talk of a addon in the works even before the game is released. Normally I would chalk this one up to rumor, but this one's straight from the keyboard of Stormin' Norman! I read this over at FrugalsWorld just a little while ago:


We would like to do additional products for Lock On for Ubi Soft and have approached them about it. They are interested, but want to wait until Lock On is finished before making a decision. We understand their playing it safe, but we can't wait.


We are now looking at the possibility of doing a F/A-18C add on that we would sell and distribute independently. It would be "unofficial" as it would not be through Ubi Soft, but they have given us their blessing.  


We are still in the process of putting together the business plan for this option, but it looks promising. I cannot, however make promises that it will happen. We all hope so.





You can see the entire thread here.

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It's a big "IF" Jeff and it all depends on 2 things- Is LOMAC all its hyped to be and will LOMAC have good sales numbers.

If those two things happen I think chances are good for a Hornet addon and hopefully a US carrier to go with it.

That's why UbiSoft is waiting until release to make a decision, they want to see if it does well and makes them some money. Let's hope it does at least as well as IL2 and IL2FB.

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Guest Ranger332

NOw a F-18 in the game would spark my intrest in lomac big time :shock:

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Apparently this FA18c addon is more of a realization than we thought. Carl has said at another forum that they are worrking on a Flyable FA18c complete with dare I say A/G radar. I'm not sure about a US Carrier yet, but I would hope that would be a no brainer.

Carl has said that UbiSoft is willing to back the addon, but they want to wait until the release of LOMAC before making a decision. I would guess they want to see how well LOMAC does first. Carl has said even if UbiSoft decides not to back it that they have Ubi's blessing to go through an indipendent distributor. It sounds to me that Eagle Dynamics has already decided to do this FA18c addon, but its just a matter of seeing whether they will go through UbiSoft or another distributor. It's definantly good news for most of us. Of course there are those who want "thier" plane added and everyone cant be pleased, but overall I think the majority are happy about this news.


I would like to get Carl in here on the subject so you can hear it from the man himself instead of hearsay from me.


Here is the entire thread over at SimHQ if your interested.



update: Carl did confirm they would add US Carrier ops to the current theatre for the F18 addon. Of course the current theatre is the Black Sea and US Carriers dont operate in the Black Sea, but a whole new theatre would only be possible with a whole new sim so they going to overlook that tidbit of realism to get a US Carrier in there. Personally it doesnt bother me if they put a Carrier in a lake as long as there is one. :D


I should also make a correction. Carl mentioned they want to do this addon so I was premature saying they are working on it. I dont want Carl showing up and ringing my bell for any misquotes. lol :wink:

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