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aiming bombs in campaigns

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I can never seem to complete destroying an airfield, despite the other aircraft leaving craters all around. The red box has no visible target for me to aim at and the FE PDF tells you how to load and drop bombs but not how to aim. I'm getting sick of getting mission "failures." :dntknw:

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The target is the runway. I usually just run down the length and leave a string of bombs in my wake.

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Where the red box is on the airfield is where you want to concentrate your bombs. Also if you're using 25 pounders it will take a few to accumulate enough damage points to git er done. :wink:

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I find it useful to go to F6 view, zoom all the way out, and put the camera directly overhead. That way you can release your bombs and hit something.

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The target is the runway. I usually just run down the length and leave a string of bombs in my wake.

Thanks to all who answered.


All I have are the 2 default bombs. Is there a way to load more?


Same question to tailspin.


Question to Longestpants - How high should I move the camera - to top of screen? Midway between top or center?

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Hmmm....not real sure how many hits it takes. What plane are you flying? I flew the Salmson and left a couple strings of bombs on the "airfield" and it still didn't "destroy" the right spot. Might take heavier bombs? I don't drop many bombs in this sim.


As for bombing from the cockpit...level bombing is all about altitude and speed. There are three things to consider, an aim point (when the target just passes under the nose of the airplane, for instance), the altitude you want to bomb from, and the speed necessary to get the bomb to hit the target...or vice-versa. Takes practice, but it can be done. Dive bombing is easier but more dangerous.

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