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Guest Saganuay82

Air nuke

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Guest Saganuay82

If my Genie misses, I get the bright light off in the distance but if it hits I get a kill of the target and no bright flash.


Missing something?

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How is the Genie modelled in game? In the real world an F-106 pilot closed (lead-collision) and when the target solution was established on the AWCIS (Aircraft and Weapon Control Intercept System) the pilot manually locks on with radar. For pursuit, radar lock on is not used but the AWCIS provides fire and pullout data.


The unguided rocket would travel approximately 14,000 feet in 4.5 seconds (about Mach 3), where the warhead would automatically detonate by timer.


Yours, Mike

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Current Genie is modelled as ARH missile... I'll work on solution to give the same air nuke effect when it hits the target.

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Ok, problem solved. There is a missing entry in MISSILEOBJECT.INI included with latest Weaponpack (03 Jul 2006).


To add mid-air nuke explosion effect when hit, add the following in [AerialNukeEffect] (in BOLD)










Now it works as it should.



anyone gets the nuclear.wav playing? It's not present in Sounds folder

Edited by CA_Stary

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hello everybody, i know this is an old thread, but i have an other problem.. i never get the flash.

i have the Weaponpack (03 Jul 2006).. how it's possible? the missileobject.ini is:









who can help me?

ps: sorry for my bad english..

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