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Min/MaxExtentPosition exporter

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Min/MaxExtentPosition exporter

View File

This script outputs to a text file from MAX the min/maxExtentPosition for all of a models nodes

The min / max extents are calculated on the bounding box of the node so YMMV if you have very irregular nodes (some hand tuning)

Obviously this is only of use to people with the max file models…


The output looks like this





---------etc etc



Please feel free to offer improvements


See readme for install /use


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Hey p10ppy, thanks for the tool, just tried it, works perfectly!

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Guest capun

Very good tool !!!


Thanks, you have made the generation of the Min/Max points a snap and probably saves me at least two hours of tedious work



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Thank you very much p10ppy, you save the most expensive thing in the world... my FREE TIME! :clapping:

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