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Neshar drop tanks don't drop

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I was playing around with the Neshar and when I drop the tanks, the tanks don't visually drop. They say they drop, but they are still visible. Not sure if it's just a visual thing or if it's really still sucking from the tanks. This is the 2 wing tanks. The center tank drops fine.

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those are the unfinned 500 litre supersonic tanks which are supposed to stay on. they are not jettisionable.

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That's because they don't drop in real life from what I remember. I could be wrong.



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That's because they don't drop in real life from what I remember. I could be wrong.





ok, thanks. wasn't sure.

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You can make it so these tanks DO jettison. I like to get rid of the tanks.


This can be done for any a/c.


Open your Nesher Data.ini.


In the Weapons section, locate the paragraph for the two external tanks and change the NoJettison line to FALSE



















NoJettisionTank=FALSE <<<<<<<<<


If you have any a/c and can't drop the tanks, then this is probably why.

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