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Weaponised version of Dhruv makes maiden flight

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I've never cared for throwing weapons on utility helos and calling them "combat ready." UH-60s, AH-6s, OH-58Ds... They can't be as durable as the ones built for it from the start.


Gimme the ones bred for fighting like the Cobra and Hind! :grin:

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helicopters are bullet magnets. i would not want to be in that thing when the bullets are flying.

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In fact, we can make a little analogy!


Helicopters :: bullets as trailer parks :: tornados

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None of the dedicated attack helicopters can do what the Mi-17 gunships did in the 1999 Indo-Pak Kargil War. The Mi-17s were providing fire support to the advancing Indian Army in the Kargil heights. There was no way our Mi-25s/35s could operate at that altitude(nor can any other dedicated attack helo).

Rocket and gunpod armed Mi-17s effectively supressed the Pakistanis who has occupied those heights. Though one Mi-17 was lost to Pakistani Stinger. But that's a different story. Later IAF fighter bombers bombed the crap out of the Pakistanis.

The Dhruvs are built to fly in high altitude areas. It may not be able to carry as much fire powere as the Mi-17(six rocket pods), but an armed Dhruv can still be effective.


Edited by ghostrider883

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Yes, that's true that they may have different flight envelopes than the dedicated helos. Of course, that points to a flaw in the design of the gunships then, doesn't it?

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