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Nicholas Bell

MIA Pilot Returns to Duty

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Maybe it's a bug, or maybe it's an interesting feature.


Vasily Popkov was shot down on October 29th bravely defending my tail. He shot down an F-100 firing at me, and then was immediately hit by a Sidewinder from first plane's wingman. Popkov was listed as MIA, lost over Fulda.


Vasily showed up on the unit roster a few days later on November 3rd, healthy but feeling a bit demoralized. After a few more days rest he was up to snuff and back on ops. Maybe he was not meant to be a fighter pilot, as his plane was battered by 20mm hits from an F-86K and he was shot down again near Celle. For him the war is over, this time listed as a POW.

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Took them a while to find him I guess. Wasn't the F-86K canonless?

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Took them a while to find him I guess. Wasn't the F-86K canonless?


No the F-86D/L were cannonless the K was not.

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