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i know there was a thread about mounting rocket pod´s on ter or 2br i just cant find it :dntknw:

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i know there was a thread about mounting rocket pod´s on ter or 2br i just cant find it :dntknw:



Like mounting 2 or 3 sneb´s RP in a single rack/ or "the flying chainsaw" (13 gunpods in a F-4 !) ? I was looking for that too... :sorry:

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With the current game version ist not possible to mount RPs on TERs or other racks.

What I and a few others did was adding extra stations for the RPs and the racks were actually fueltanks or gunpods ( without any fuel or ammo of course).

If the stations are all set up correctly its quite easy to load the whole setup of pods and "racks" .


I lost all my modified files in a HDD crash some months ago.



But try it yourself, its easy to do :smile:

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