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overspeed sound

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Hey guys

does any1 know if its possible to get an overspeed wind in the wires sound to work , like in I think it was ( flying corps)

like a tuning fork, the pilot would here the pitch changes as the wind picked up in a dive, through the note changes in the wires,and know when they were near to over stressing the airframe , very usefull if flying N11's , or D3 as the thought of loosing a lower wing to overstress was a major consideration during combat


would be nice if it could be done, i know there is a

=WingtipVortexEmitter in (particlesystem)

I know thats for the jet sims, but I was wondering how this effect works , and could it be taylored to suite us somehow?

any thought


cheers guys

Edited by gambit168

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Hi, Gambit. Fubar512 created a new sound for the jets called Jetpit. It varies with airspeed, softer, and lower pitched, when you're going slow; louder, and higher pitched, when you're moving fast. If you pm him, maybe he could do the same thing for the windloop sound in FE, or explain how he created the file, so someone else could give it a try. I think it probably could be done.


As far as tip vortices, I don't think the aircraft of the time could generate them, although, I could be wrong. I don't think they could get into the speed and g range where they could generate them, and if they did, the wings and rest of the bus would have parted company long before they appeared. Again, I'm not that versed in aerodynamics, so I could be wrong. I did see a real Camel (130hp Clerget) turn in just about its own length once at Old Rhinebeck Aerodrome, and it didn't generate any tip vortices.



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Hey Thx Heck

I will look into that

About the vortices, I ment if we could use the vortexwingtip system to make sound instead of vision

.ie the wind in wires sound replacing the wingtip visuals, and at correct speeds 2 be usefull in for FE

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