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Taking the plunge into WWII

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I have finally decided to take the plunge and make a seperate WWII install....


Are there any "must have" downloads out there?


Any campaigns, aircraft, terrain, etc that I simply must get for the WWII experience?

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You won't be sorry!!!


What's you're preferance?? PTO, ETO or MTO???


PTO: all of Edwards's terrains

ETO: BoB terrain, EAWEuro

MTO: again, Edwards Tunsia and North Africa (and maybe my ww2 Lybia for fun :wink: )



Wolf's WW2 Planes pak -- a MUST!!

Spit, Hurris, 110, Ju88, He-111, 262...etc, etc, and of course, etc.

Russo's 109E

ArmourDave's IJN/IJAAF planes pak


ground objects gets a little fuzzy, as some are included in the terrain's (which makes is slightly easier - I've converted all mine to SP 4 compliant ground objects). Geo has a bunch on his sight, gotta have those!


Damn, I don't know where to begin!!!


Be interesting to see if you start skinning, what you come up with!!! We could use an FAA Gannet/Hellcat...hint



kevin stein


ps: note to self, begin updating Loadouts Thread to include fixes for WW2 Axis and Allied aircraft.....

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Be interesting to see if you start skinning, what you come up with!!! We could use an FAA Gannet/Hellcat...hint


Funny you should mention that.....I have some things in mind......



I really like the Pacific theater....but the European theater had the P-51 and Spitfire, which I am also a huge fan of. Just going to have to do both, I guess.

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there once was a ww2 mod that added terrain and ground objects but this was before the patch that added a groundobjects folder

in the old days when you had to ini edit in you ground objects

i guess you can install sf patch it up install the ww2 mod thenedit all the goundobjet data ini's and drag drop them into the ground obect folder and it's good to go

me i just do without the clouds

the ai is pretty good and it's lots of fun doing anti ship work with a b-25h

would be more fun to ply online though

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Just going to have to do both, I guess.

It'd be great to see you do some WWII skins.

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Funny you should mention that.....I have some things in mind......



I really like the Pacific theater....but the European theater had the P-51 and Spitfire, which I am also a huge fan of. Just going to have to do both, I guess.


P-51s were also flown in the Pacific.


Spitfires were flown in the Middle East.


You can get your fix of BOTH plane types outside the European theater as well.!!

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P-51s were also flown in the Pacific.


Spitfires were flown in the Middle East.


You can get your fix of BOTH plane types outside the European theater as well.!!




It makes sense that Spits would fly in the middle east, probably supporting British troops going after the Desert Fox, huh?


But I had no idea Mustangs were in the Pacific campaign. I thought the Pacific air war was fight primarily by leathernecks and USN aircraft.

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I thought the Pacific air war was fight primarily by leathernecks and USN aircraft.

Not at all - General Kenney and the army air corp played a big, if not major part, in chewing up the JAAF and the JNAF in the SW Pacific - New Guinea area, to the point where the Japanese air forces never recovered. First with P-39s/P-40s, then to P-38s and P-47s, and ending with P-51s and P-47Ns escorting the B-29's over Japan.

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Thanks Geo....now that I think about it, I guess it makes sense that the Air Force (or USAAF rather) would have a big presence what with all the bombers they sent over Japan.

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No problem Paul - since first seeing your work, I've been hoping that one day you'd get around to doing some WWII stuff :wink:

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