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Missing Sounds for weapons

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Hi, I noticed my p-51d-30 is missing the 50 caliber sound on the guns when ya fire. same goes with one of the mig-29's. it the russian GSH 30mmm or similar. Question is how do i fix something in this situation. is an ini fix? I only know how to fic the engine sound. Any help apprec. thx.

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I seem to remember having the same problem with the GSH-301. I think it needs to be added to the soundslist.ini, and then make sure the sound is pointed to in the gundata ini (reqires useing the gun editor - remember: win95 compatibility mode for that one)

It came up again a few weeks ago...see if a search turns it up. (I never did the fix meself, just used the 23mm sound = lazy SOB that I am :haha: )


The 50 cal sound alread exists in game, but it sounds like a little poot-fart. Fubar (?) had/has a nice heavy mg sound I use for anything from 12.5-14mm MGs. I renamed the original to "x50cal" and use if for anything below 30 cal.


It was in a sounds pak here, but if you can't find it, let me know and I'll get to you.



kevin stein

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