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Missing Weapsdata.ini

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I went to add the IRIS-T to my pool of weapons a few minutes ago and to my horror, noticed that my weaponsdata.ini has only three entries for a GBU-16, a fuel tank and an AGM-88 HARM! I'm thinking "CRAP!!! I've lost my awesome little toys... but they're still there and I can still use them...


Anyone know how I can retreive them so I can reinstate my weapsdata.ini??

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Looks like you are going to have to reinstall the weps pack.

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You're probably right, but I don't get how my weapons are still working as though nothing hs happened. Is this info stored elsewhere? It's really odd...

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The Weaponsdata.ini file is only used by the Weapon Editor to build the Weaponsdata.dat file. That's what the program actually uses.



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Ahhh.... I'm guessing there's no way to decompile that? Once it's in its .dat form?

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