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I downloaded the latest BOB campaign yesterday and I've got to say I was just blown away by the quality of the work produced for this campaign by the members who contributed to the production of this super addition. It just amazes me how the original Thirdwire SP1 can be transformed into an entirely different sim and of such great quality by you marvellous magicians.


Crates of virtual beers and cigars all round to all those involved ( O.K I know smoking kills but so does a Bf109E-3 up your arse)!


Thanks to all the production team who must have worked many long hours to make this for us.


If anyone is thinking of taking the plunge with a dedicated BOB install..wait no more and get it today ...you'll be amazed.

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I added the newest BoB terrain to my SWOTL install, flew a Sweep over Gernsey...and was in one of the most intense dogfights I've ever had in a sim!


Our 12 Spits against, well, it felt like the whole of the Luftwaffe was up there after us!



kevin stein

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