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Adjusting individual Joysticks Axis

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The stick im using is a Logitech Extreme 3D Pro with the twist rudder control. Well like almost all of these types it developed alot of play in the rudder axis and the other axis are working fine. I noticed that all the ThirdWire sims only offer a single deadzone adjustment, which is annoying since the other axis are all working great.


I have found a way to adjust the individual axis in the control.ini, but everytime i even brought up the options screen it overwrote my settings with the sliders position. So after adjusting it in the ini again i set the file properties to Read Only. It works great, but you have to change it back if you need to change control mapping.


Sorry ifthis has been covered before, but does anyone know of another way to do this?


If not i hope this helps someone else with this same problem and maybe TK will add individual deadzones in a future release or patch.

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perhaps Logitech's software offers it?

I know that Saitek's does (& for more expensve HOTAS CH & TM do).

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