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All three!

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Well boyz and girlz It is offical I am now the proud owner of all 3 titles WoE, Wov and as of this morning SF gold! I won't be obtaining FE because I am not a fan of WWI aviation but I am looking forward to the latest offering Wings over whatever (Israel 6 day war and beyound). I am finding out that there are some distinct advantages to all three titles, plus with the purchase of photo realistic terrain from Razbam, I'm in armchair pilots nervana! Now for the next phase of my master plan, finding a way to have someone fill in for me at work while STILL getting paid so I can fly all day and night! :biggrin::good::ok::clapping:



Viper6 out!

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Well boyz and girlz It is offical I am now the proud owner of all 3 titles WoE, Wov and as of this morning SF gold! I won't be obtaining FE because I am not a fan of WWI aviation but I am looking forward to the latest offering Wings over whatever (Israel 6 day war and beyound). I am finding out that there are some distinct advantages to all three titles, plus with the purchase of photo realistic terrain from Razbam, I'm in armchair pilots nervana! Now for the next phase of my master plan, finding a way to have someone fill in for me at work while STILL getting paid so I can fly all day and night! :biggrin::good::ok::clapping:



Viper6 out!


Congratulations, that's great! :good:


However, I think you should give FE a chance. I wasn't a fan of WWI aviation at first either, but after I got FE, it opened the foor to a whole new world of aviation, that pretty much anyone can get into.

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I have all 4 plus First Flight. Now there's something different. After my 1st 27 flights in the Wright Flyer - ranging from 2 inches to 17 feet - ended in crashes, I managed a 1643 ft. flight. There's something...uh, I don't know...peaceful maybe, about flying around at 30kts 30ft. off the ground. Except the thing just falls out of the sky around 27kts...


Now I just need the Raptor sim the USAF uses at airshows...still haven't managed to talk a recruiter into copying that for me LOL

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