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USAF Phantom serials

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USAF Phantom serials

Here is a little mod which will improve the authenticity when selecting camouflaged USAF F-4 Phantom II aircraft in Wings over Vietnam. Real F-4C/D/E serial numbers are provided as TGA format decals (40 each) and new numbers.lst and decals.ini files for each aircraft type are here. Now, when you select aircraft serials, they will be authentic type serials. (Intended for the historical nut like me). All serials are actual airplanes found in Southeast Asia in 1967-71 time frame. They are also double the resolution of those provided by the simulation also, so should appear a bit sharper.


This was prompted by observing that no real F-4C serials are provided for in the simulation, nor were the original FY1967 serials for F-4Es that first arrived in theater in 1968. The FY68 and 69 F-4E serials at the end of the list are all white and are TAC aircraft which were TDY in Southeast Asia in 1972-73.


New tailcodes and correct fin tip colors coming!


Mike Druzolowski


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I submitted a slight fix, since TAC Phantoms TDY to SE Asia in 72-73 had a different serial representation than PACAF - the actual fiscal year was used for the first two digits, PACAF just deleted the first and used the next two. (66-7688 would appear as 66-688 for TAC, 67-688 for PACAF). Also included split-stencil serials for the 49th TFW from Holloman F-4Ds TDY to Takhli in the fix.


Below are screenshots of a few tails from the decal project (using Sundowner's 1024 pixel skin).


Mike D.

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