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Not being able to afford a copy of 3D Studio Max but wanting to be able to modify aircraft models and to start to create my own I recently downloaded the free version of Googles Sketchup v6 and began to play around and in doing so discovered that it supported 3ds files and allowed them to be imported and modified. As an introduction to 3d modelling techniques it can't be beaten.


Before anyone asks no I don't work for Google.



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so does a nice little freeware program called "Anim8or" - I think Hinchbrook built most of his ships in there originally, before exporting out to Max... and there is a stripped down verson of max; I think it's called GMax available from the original Max people.


But the problem still exists...


none of these will export to the final LOD format needed. Only a full version of Max can do that.



kevin stein


ps: unless you can find some kind soul, with the full version, that can do the final exporting.

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