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Just a little experiment for 'proof of concept' for an Fw-190F (same mods could be applied to create an A8 Jabo) Outer cannons have been removed via ini edits; the gun barrels have to remain as they're part of the LOD.






Now, it's not a perfect ER4 rack; it's actually 2 modified TERs nose-to-tail, on 2 seperate, new hardpoints. This leaves the stock centerline availabe for other mission loadouts (single 250kg bomb, 300 lt tank). THe alignment isn't perfect with the body to the length of the racks. This is the 'lazy mans' way of doing it; even though the rack isn't perfect, a rack is there. The other method would be to do it ala bomb bay style, meaning a single hardpoint with 4 attachment positions.


Which would be more preferable? No rack with 4 bombs hanging in space/tucked up under, or a not quite perfect MER?


Also, since I'm just using Gramp's stock JG26 skin, and the F would need something new, would it be a 'schlachtgruppe' (just found a book on them by Osprey) type, and what unit? Camo patterns? Or just a mod to Jabo-ize the existing marks we already have?? (remembering we don't have an Eastern Front map yet, so we're stuck in the West and Med/North Africa)


Thoughts and comments are encourged and wanted!



kevin stein

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Hmmm are you sure about 4xSC50 on the fuselage? Although I'm very familiar on the FW190F-8 and F-9 and not so much on the earlier (F-3)variant I must admit I never saw that, mostly single SC250 or SC500 with 2xSC50 under each wing.

Other than that I must admit I did not know there's such a pretty FW-190 model for the SF series :blink::good:

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Actually, there's 3 FW in Wolf's WW2 Planes pak A, A4, A5. There are several mods available here for some other versions, too. (this one is my F8 test version)


Yes, the 4 SC50. ER-4 rack


Here's the test 190A without the rack: (maybe an A8??? -- I'm stil learning the WW2 Luftwaffe stuff, so I'm far from expert)




I've actually dialed them in as 4 seperate hardpoint, in the same group. It actually seems to look a little better without the rack, IMO.


Also discovered we have a nice 300 liter tank in the weapons pak, probably from Russo's 109 Emil. Looks right on the wings, but a little off on the centerline (no pylon/straps). With seperate drop tank and bomb hardpoints (in the same place), it'd be an easy tweek to fix.



kevin stein

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Generally... :

the A models were fighter versions

the F model was a ground attack optimized plane with additional armor, it replaced the Ju 87 Stuka in the CAS role.

the G model was a long range fighter bomber, it had provisions for droptanks on the wings and was mainly used for raids on the channel coast etc.


the ER 4 rack was often used by the F models.


the big confusion thing is that many of the "modification kits" were used on normal A version planes early on, before the dedicated F and G models went into full production.

Virtual any version could pack a single 250 or 500 kg bomb on the centerline rack for ad-hoc fighter-bomber missions.


For internal cannons of the F and G :

all F had the 2x 20mm MG 151/20 in the wing roots and 2x MG 17 (early) or 2x MG 131 (late)

all G had only the 2x 20mm MG 151/20 in the wing roots .


Wrench, in case you need any info on 190's, I have dozen of books about them, just yell :grin:

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Thanks MJ!!! All I've been doing the last 2 days is scouring my 'books of pdf' sources, grabbing all kinds of FW and Luftwaffe stuff (also for the Dora and 152) Picked up about 5-8 books, included some markings/camo guides as well. Finally got my Momogram Close Up: 109G part 1. Got the closeup for the F and D as well too. The Aero Detail on the 190D is superb...at 81 megs for PDF, it better be!!! Unfortuanately, some are in Polish...monograhie loznecie or whatever they're called.


The Squadron/Signal 'in action' #1170 (the 2nd version of the book) has some great drawing of the racks, which is what I used for the experiment.


don't think I won't shout out if I need help....I ain't that proud! :rofl:


Units...that's what I really need ... Western Europe. I know part of SG.2 was operating with KG51 using Fs....but can't find any decent profiles for colors/patterns, so I 'assumed' the standard splinter (83/70, with 76 unders, 75 fueselage/tail?)



This is what I've done so far




kevin stein

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units..I take a look... but I am more into the tech stuff, not the colors..LOL

but the standard splinter is kinda never wrong from '43 onwards

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