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Hi Guys, I got a little problem...

Why aircraft shadows never appear on my pc, even if i got them enabled in the options and in the various aircraft inis? All fiiles are placed where they should, still nothing!

Funniest thing, I Copied my install overwriting the oldone on a friend's pc and they work...

Video card is a Radeon X600 128Mb (pretty old, I know it, don't kill meXD it's just a notebook...) res is 1440*900 all details on high...HELPPP!!! blink.gif

BTW, if I use 32bit reolutions they work, but with a strange "vectored" effect, like I see semitransparent vector from my plane to its shadow on the ground, and there's no way to eliminate them...What could I do, anybody got ideas??? :blink:

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Know issue with some cards (cough-radiactiveon-cough) and some aircraft.


Best way is to open the ini of the aircraft in question (or all if needed) and do this (in our example below, it's our every-picked on Scooter)



CastShadow=FALSE <--this heeare line






Change the TRUE to FALSE. The problem will vanish like...


a shadow!!! (couldn't resist!!!)



kevin stein

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Thank you Wrench, however I noticed that both shadow and "vectors" vanish by switching to a 16bit resolution (same res only 16 instead of 32 bits)...

Is that normal or maybe there's something else wrong? What do you guys think?



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Guest Sony Tuckson

shadows are transparent models, so most probably, 16 bits colours just don't handle that, so they simply dissapear in that mode


32 bits is a must

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