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Battlefield 3 Leaked Information

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Breaking: Battlefield 3 Leaked Info

October 9th, 2007 by James Hyde in Rumor, MMO, Multiplayer, Online


A tipster sent us PDF document which looked like an outline of features for Battlefield 3. The three page document is apparently prepared for investors which should get it by December of this year. It details basic features of BF3, and are as listed:


* Release in late 2008

* Powered by “Frostbite DX”

* Set in year modern day (just like BF2, ed.)

* Will ship with 8 maps, each supporting up to 40-players per team

* Two playable factions, NATO and MEC (Middle Eastern Coalition)

* Same “ticket-based” gameplay style as before

* Maps are mostly urban, based in Middle East

* Squads and Commanders are present, introduced are “Battalions” which consist of three to four squads.

* Five playable classes; Sniper, Assault, Engineer, Medic and Support

* Will feature 48 different vehicles (24 for each faction)

* Will feature 34 different weapons (17 for each faction) and another 22 unlocks (for both factions), in total 56 different weapons.

* Other unlocks include different types of ammunition, body armor, helmets, camouflage and accessories.

* Possible public beta in “Summer 2008″

* Online stats tracking, awards and “real world ranks”

* “Soldier” feature, looks like MMO-styled characters and avatars

* Ranked servers will be available for resellers weeks before the game ships (for testing, apparently, ed.)

* In-game replay and recording feature

* VoIP, friends list, in-game IM-client and “extensive clan support”

* Built-in auto software updater (no more patches!, ed.)

* Widows Vista and OS X (no XP?!, ed.)

* Announcement and teaser trailer in January 2008.


A map is mentioned by name, called “Baghdad Burning”, and appears to be a massive urban map, similar to BF2’s very popular “Strike at Karkand”. The game is powered by “Frotbite DX”, currently the Frostbite engine is used in Battlefiled: Bad Company on PS3 and Xbox 360. The “DX” could refer to DirectX (10?), a PC version of the Frostbite engine.


Please note that none of this is confirmed, we’ve emailed a few people from EA and DICE (Battlefield developers) and will update the article as soon as we know more. Also note that we cannot, for obvious (legal) reasons, release the PDF document. Stay tuned for more info.


[update 1] A few wanted to know if the document mentions in-game advertising, it does not, but wouldn’t be surprising, considering BF2142 had in-game advertising.


[update 2] EA responded to the rumor with a “no comment” statement. Still waiting for a reply from DICE (which will probably be the same).


[update 3] For clarification, the document doesn’t say that XP is not supported, it only lists Vista and OS X.


[update 4] Further investigation reveals that EA DICE owns the domain “battlefield3.com” (not so important, since it was registered in 2004, so was battlefield4.com etc.). Still no reply from DICE. Stay tuned for further updates.




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I wish they would dump the stupid unlocks.


The unlocks in BF2 warn't bad (i didn't really notice that i was in any way "ahead" of everyone else with the unlocks), but the ones in BF2142 were awful and i hope they don't do that again...

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Well, BF3 is the same team that did BF2 and BF42. BF2142 is the team that did BF:V. That says something.

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i liked BFV more than BF42. I really dont know why it didnt get a good response. 2142 is crap. I hate all that futuristic BS. BF2 wasn't that bad, but the unlocks were a b----. Too bad their aint an option to unlock all the weapons. All it does is give the better players better weapons to kill us noobs.

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Well, BF3 is the same team that did BF2 and BF42. BF2142 is the team that did BF:V. That says something.


Yeah, I got through reading that 'leak' (the source I read said it was a leak but it wasn't sourced) and the only thing I could think was:

"So... it's pretty much the same?"


But if they think they can get away with churning out another BF using the tried and true EA tactic (New box art, a slight polish of the game that is rectified after 4 patches), they won't even come close to CoD 4. I played that demo the other day and there's not much it's not going to crap on! You just can't get away with adding one or two new minor features (See 2142) and releasing it as an entire 'new' game anymore. We're over it.


Bucklehead, those new weaps may have been potent originally, but patches 1.3-.now have pretty much toned them all down except for one in each class. ie. The MEC still have the strongest carbine (AK-74Su), the USMC still has the higher power sniper rifle and so on it goes, but the majority of the new unlocks which are available in SF and EF as standard have been toned down for stoopid balance purposes! To hell with balance! Balancing is the introduction of blandness! Same weapon, different sound effect.

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Yeah, if a particular weapon is too good that might be because it really is that good! Of course, in real life there are other considerations than "best" such as price, maintainability, reliability, ammo availability, etc that aren't usually reflected in FPS games unless it's Stalker. :grin:


See, if you're making an SF shooter then you can rock-paper-scissors the stuff all you want. If you're using REAL weapons, though, they better behave like real ones!

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You know one wierd thing bout 2142 i found was that even though it was set in 2142 both the EU and PAC have pretty much today's weapons, you know i would of excpected some energy weapons, a HUD that can point out enemies and friendlies and all that stuff.

The games is like you took BF2 and changed the skins of the weapons and added mechs.

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All iam going to say is that they better a 180 Degree turn around, they have made a mess out of the battlefield series.

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All iam going to say is that they better a 180 Degree turn around, they have made a mess out of the battlefield series.

Effin' A!


See, if you're making an SF shooter then you can rock-paper-scissors the stuff all you want. If you're using REAL weapons, though, they better behave like real ones!


Effin' A take 2! That's where I figure CoD has had the upper hand. I shoot someone running at me 5 times in the chest in BF2, body armour or no, they keeping coming. I do the same in CoD, that dude's going down because he's dead or taking cover. Half the time, I don't think you realise you've been hit in BF2. I mean you get hit with an M95 in real life, you're gonna know right away :smile:

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Indeed! Don't make my MP44 or shotgun weak just because it "unbalances" the game. If that's the case, restrict the ammo available as at least THAT is a realistic issue. However, don't make the gun work at half power!!

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I used to love using the M249 in games, but it's just a bit of a glorified bb gun. In the new Australian Forces mod, it's been replaced with the F89 Minimi (think that's just the non US desig) and it's great. I'm dropping players/bots/teammates with quick 3-4 round bursts just like in CoD! And seriously, those grenade launchers?? WTF? That pineapple launcher in GRAW 2 has balls and the M4/M203 in CoD4 is gold. I can clear a room in one shot like I'm sposed to! That one in BF2 is like a pissy ninja flick special effect!


If they really wanna balance the game, why not introduce a limit on certain classes like Vietcong did? You know, a limit of 2 snipers per side at any one time...? That kinda thing.

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