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Iran Iraq Campaign

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For starters, great mod!!


It´s amazingly accurate and realism is awesome. Love it!

But one thing I don´t want is the canopy opening and closing while taxiing on the runway and also before take-off, even with a heavy downpour. How can I disable that?


I also downloaded a better cockpit for the Iranian F-4E Phantom. Everything lookes great except for that bright red gunsight. How can I revert it back to the original light green? Just the gunsight.


And the last one. I can´t fly the MiG-25. Everytime I hit the FLY button the game crashes to desktop. It´s the only aircraft that does that.


Anyhow, hope you guys can help.


Thanks in advance.

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In the MiG-25PD_DATA.INI file make sure the minimum base size is set to MEDIUM:


There are no LARGE bases for the Iran-Iraq campaign:



















And, if you haven't got it already, this is an Iraqi repaint for the Mig-25 by hi ho silver:



Edited by The_Editor

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Do you have this statement in you data ini:
















to disable it, just add the double slash // in front of the (canopy) statement. That'll stop it from working.


As to the Fuxbat, have you modified your flightengine ini??? A quick search of the knowledge base will tell you how. Also, check the loadouts and make SURE they are correct ... a missing weapon will cause the BSOD/CTD


As to the Phantom sight, just swap out the sight tga for the green one (cant remember where's it at...start with the F-4J maybe??). Double check the names are the same; if not, make the corrections in the cockpit ini.


BTW, the entire terrain has gone back into the hangar for a rebuild...there are now over 125 targer areas, revamped objects, corrected nations specific weapons, new vehicles, etc, etc, etc. Hopefully, work will start on updated the whole campaign with the new stuff after Desert STorm is released. The terrain needs some major re-working, as I've moved a few things to their correct locations (re: airports), and added a buttload of stuff.



kevin stein

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Do you have this statement in you data ini:




to disable it, just add the double slash // in front of the (canopy) statement. That'll stop it from working.


As to the Fuxbat, have you modified your flightengine ini??? A quick search of the knowledge base will tell you how. Also, check the loadouts and make SURE they are correct ... a missing weapon will cause the BSOD/CTD


As to the Phantom sight, just swap out the sight tga for the green one (cant remember where's it at...start with the F-4J maybe??). Double check the names are the same; if not, make the corrections in the cockpit ini.


BTW, the entire terrain has gone back into the hangar for a rebuild...there are now over 125 targer areas, revamped objects, corrected nations specific weapons, new vehicles, etc, etc, etc. Hopefully, work will start on updated the whole campaign with the new stuff after Desert STorm is released. The terrain needs some major re-working, as I've moved a few things to their correct locations (re: airports), and added a buttload of stuff.



kevin stein


Looking forward to it. :good:

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I downloaded a MiG-21MF Cockpit V1 1.0 but the control stick in the middle is not visible.


How can I make it appear on screen?

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