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Screenshot Question

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Apologies if this has been asked before (searched but didnt find it)

... but how does one remove the text boxes on the lower left / right

of the screen to take an unencumbered screenshot ??


Thx Gents,

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To permantly remove them or just for the screenie???


Can't remember the permant fix (something about editing some lines in the HUDdata.ini), but temporarialy for the screenshot, if you've got your keys mapped, it should be "Alt-H", hitting it twice should remove it.

At least, that's how I do it in WoE


Of course, using the clone stamp tool in photoshop also works, but dosen't look as nice.



kevin stein

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For my screenshots i use the P (pause) key and the FreeView (CTRL+F12 in my computer)... with the freeview you can easily change the point of view for a perfect click.

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WOE uses ALT+D as default to change the "HUD" ( means the info boxes ont he screen)

You can switch between 3 displays (default) with that key command:

- info boxes onthe left/right bottom corners

- same as above with FPS readout at the top center

- all info shut off

- And - if you enable "DisplayDebug=TRUE" in the HUDDATA.ini - you can display the debug info readouts too

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Thx for the replies guys :yes:


Mapping Alt+D to toggle the HUD is what I was trying to do and seems

to be the easiest (along with using my mouse to change the external views)




I've been flight simming for awhile now, but am a virgin to

the 3rdW series and they all have different command sets :blink:


While I'm thinking about it, is there an easter-egg command list anywhere ?

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