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Question Regarding Campaign Files in Original FE

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I am interested in doing some tweaking here – as it does not appear to be so hard to do.


So, can one of you knowledgeable folks tell me where to find/unpack (?) the following?


- Campaign X_Data.INI file (I only see the Campaign X.INI file)

- SquadronList.INI


Thanks in advance.

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Guest Alligator Devil

WWICAMP1_DATA.INI is located in the file MissionData.cat (Flight folder)


There are a few bugs in the original campaign:


The american side have 11 flyable units in the file wwiCamp1.ini

But they have 12 flyable units in the file WWICAMP1_DATA.INI


There is another bug: A squadron/unit located in one airfield that doesn't exist. I'm really sorry but i don't rememeber the unit/squadron number of the squadron with the bad/wrong airfield name, but i think it was from the allied side. The non existent airfield makes a CTD, so you better watch carefully all the airfield names.


I forget to say: The airfield names are located in the file WWIVERDUN_TARGETS.INI (extract the file from wwiVerdun.cat - Verdum Terrain folder)

Edited by Alligator Devil

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Barkhorn1. Don't know if you know about the SFP1e file extract utility but you'll need that. Files are packed into .CAT files which are located in the game folders. The extract utility makes copies of the files so deleting the extracted files returns the sim to "stock" configuration.

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  Tailspin said:
Barkhorn1. Don't know if you know about the SFP1e file extract utility but you'll need that. Files are packed into .CAT files which are located in the game folders. The extract utility makes copies of the files so deleting the extracted files returns the sim to "stock" configuration.



Thanks Tailspin - I have SPF1 and WOV so I am good here. Just needed a reminder on where to go. :yes:

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