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Medals and Awards- Where are they?

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Hello all,


I've been a SFP1 fan since day one, and I've gotten alot from the game & mods, but when I finish a mission and get a Silver Star or Navy Cross etc, the is no way to view the award & citation in the pilot records screen. There's not even an option! Anyone have an idea? Maybe re-install?



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This is a known issue that hopefully will be addressed in patch 2.

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if you hit the "Print Scrn" key on your keyboard the image will be saved in your paint program(even MS Paint) then it can be saved to any folder and looked at anytime you want. I save mine in a folder on the desk top named PHOTO. I know this is not the answer you were looking for but it works until something better comes along. hope this helps.

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Funny you mentioned that! I tried it after the fist patch came out, but it didn't work. When I finish a mission, and there's an award, I hit prnt scrn key and it just cycles thru to the next screen!! Ain't that sooo crazy?!?!?!

Oh, wait, I forgot to check the MS paint folder. Thanks man!

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even if it doesn't show up in your screen shots folder..MS paint will save it..just open paint and then hit edit and paste.remember to save pic.

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